28 agosto 2012

Sobre Mozambique

 Sobre Mozambique

By Colin Darch´s

I moved to Mozambique at the beginning of 1979 to take up the position of documentalist at the Centro de Estudos Africanos (CEA) in the Universidade Eduardo Mondlane. At that time the director of the CEA was Aquino de Bragança, and the research director was Ruth First.



♦ With David Hedges, ‘Não temos a possibilidade de herdar nada de Portugal': as raízes do exclusivismo político em Moçambique, 1969-1977. In: Territórios da língua portuguesa—culturas, sociedades, políticas: anais do IV Congresso Luso-Africano-Brasileiro, 1 a 5 de setembro de 1996, edited by Glaucia Villas Bôas (Rio de Janeiro: IFCS, 1999), pages 135-149.

♦ Problems in the training and education of LIS practitioners in Portuguese-speaking Africa: the case of Mozambique. In: Education for librarianship and information science in Africa, edited by Michael Wise (Uppsala: Uppsala University Library, 1999), pages 35-55.

♦ In the name of justice. African Agenda vol.1 no.5, 1995, pages 42-44.

Review of Bill Minter's book Apartheid's contras: an inquiry into the roots of war in Angola and Mozambique (1994).

♦ The book trade and publishing in Mozambique. African Book Publishing Record, vol.19, no.1, 1993, pages 9-12. Not yet available.

♦ A guerra e as mudanças sociais recentes em Moçambique (1986-1992): cenários para o futuro. Estudos Afro-Asiáticos no.23, 1992, pages 213-227.

♦ Are there warlords in provincial Mozambique? Questions of the social base of MNR banditry. Review of African Political Economy no.45/46, 1989, pages 34-49.

♦ The writings of Samora Machel: a bibliographic note. In: An African revolutionary: selected writings and speeches, translated by Michael Wolfers, introduction by Barry Munslow (London: Zed, 1985), pages 200-204. Not yet available.

♦ Notas sobre fontes estatísticas oficiais referentes à economia colonial moçambicana: uma crítica geral. Estudos Moçambicanos, no. 4, 1983 1985, pages 103-125.

♦ Cabo Delgado: fontes para uma história da luta armada e para uma economia política do Planalto de Mueda [by Colin Darch] Não vamos esquecer: boletim informativo da Oficina de História, no. 1, February 1983, pages 38-41. Not yet available.

♦ Published documentation of the Party FRELIMO: a preliminary study. Mozambican Studies, no. 2, 1981 [publ. 1983], pages 104-125.


♦ Migrant labour in southern Africa: a bibliographic note [by Colin Darch]. In: Black gold: the Mozambican miner, proletarian and peasant by Ruth First (Brighton: Harvester Press, 1983), pages 195-211. Not yet available.

♦ Writings and research on Mozambique, 1975 1980. Mozambican Studies, no. 1, 1980 [publ. 1982], pages 103-112.

♦ Trabalho migratório na Africa Austral: um apontamento crítico sobre a literatura existente. Estudos Moçambicanos, no.3, 1981, pages 81-96.

♦ As publicações da FRELIMO: um estudo preliminar. Estudos Moçambicanos, no. 2, 1981, pages 105-120. Click here for a PDF file (size 1.3 Mb).

♦ Escritos e investigação sobre Moçambique, 1975-1980. Estudos Moçambicanos, no.1, 1980, pages 111-120.  


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